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Webflow vs Figma: When to Use Them? [Pros & Cons]

June 20, 2024
Time reading
7 min
Table of contents

Webflow and Figma are two of the most popular design platforms available today, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we will compare their features, design capabilities, pricing, and ease of use to show you the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Keep in mind that you can always use them together, and export your designs from Figma to Webflow.

1. Webflow Overview

Webflow is a visual development platform that makes it easy to create stunning websites without any coding knowledge. However, it is not a magic wand. You will still need to put in some effort to create something truly great.

To learn more about Webflow and how it compares to other website builders, check out our side-by-side comparison of Webflow vs. WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and Framer.

1.1. Pros

Webflow is a powerful and versatile platform that can be used to create stunning websites.

  • With its visual interface and drag-and-drop functionality, it is a great option for people who don't have any coding experience.
  • With plans starting at $12 per month, it is a great option for businesses of all sizes.
  • There are plenty of tutorials and documentation available to help you get started.

1.2. Cons

Webflow is a good choice for businesses of all sizes, but it's important to be aware of its potential limitations and challenges.

  • Takes some time to learn how to use all of the features and can be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Not as customizable as other platforms, which limits the amount of code you can edit.

Can be expensive for high-traffic websites as it chargers the amount of bandwidth that your website uses. If it is still hard for you to choose between this no-code platforms you can always check our guide on how to migrate your designs from Figma to Webflow.

Does Webflow have the best CMS out there?

Traditional CMS platforms can be a total nightmare. Endless lines of code, clunky interfaces –  enough to make any designer cry. Thankfully, Webflow's CMS is a revelation.

Screenshot of Webflow CMS
Webflow CMS Overview

Is it the absolute, undisputed king of all CMS platforms? That depends on your specific needs. But for people like us who value a user-friendly interface and the ability to ditch the coding headaches, Webflow's CMS is everything we've ever dreamed of in a content management system. 

To sum it up, for pure design collaboration, Figma might still be the king, but for a seamless blend of design and content management, Webflow's CMS is our personal MVP (Most Valuable Platform).

2. Figma Overview

Figma is a collaborative design platform that allows teams to create, prototype, and share designs together. It is used by designers, developers, and product managers to create everything from wireframes to high-fidelity mockups.

2.1. Pros

Figma is a cloud-based, collaborative, and free web design tool that can be accessed from anywhere.

  • As a cloud-based tool, it gives you access to your designs from anywhere.
  • Offers real-time collaboration so that multiple people can work on the same design at the same time.

It is a cost-effective tool, as it is free for personal use.

2.1. Cons

Figma is a powerful tool, but it's not without its flaws. Be sure to understand its weaknesses before you start using it.

  • As a cloud-based application, it requires an active internet connection to use.
  • Does not have a built-in CMS, so you will need to use a third-party CMS to manage your website content.
  • If you need to work on more projects or with more team members, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Can you build an entire website with Figma?

Here’s the short answer: no, you can’t build an entire functioning website with Figma alone. But before you close this tab in disappointment, hear us out, we promise there’s some good news too.

Figma is like the Disneyland of design tools, but it's purely a design tool. While it excels at creating the blueprint of your website, it doesn’t have the capabilities to publish or manage a live website. In other words, Figma is the architect, not the builder.

To turn those beautiful designs into a fully functioning website, you’ll need to hand them off to a developer or use a web development platform. At Creative Corner, our process usually involves starting with Figma to get the design just right. We tweak every pixel, adjust every margin, and ensure every color is just so. 

For example, our guide "How to Make Website Wireframes in Figma", will help you understand how to effectively use Figma for designing the structure and layout of your website, which is the first step before moving on to actual development.

screenshot of figma website template

Would we trade Figma for anything else? Not a chance. But would we rely on it solely to build a website? Of course not.

Stick to what each tool does best, and you’ll end up with a website that not only looks great but works perfectly too

3. Webflow vs Figma Key Comparisons

On the surface, Webflow and Figma may seem similar, but they are actually quite different in terms of their approach to design and development.

3.1. Quick Overview 

Check out the quick summary of Webflow and WordPress features below.

Feature Comparison Webflow Figma
Ease of use ✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔
UI ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔
Design Capabilities ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔
Integrations ✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔
Customization ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔
Support ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔
Pricing ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔

3.2. Ease of Use Comparison

  • Figma’s interface is user-friendly and intuitive, offering a wide range of tutorials and resources to help new users get started.
  • Webflow has a steeper learning curve, but it’s still relatively easy to learn.

Webflow and Figma are both relatively easy to use, but Figma has a slight edge in this area.

For example, Figma's Smart Animate feature makes it easy to create animated prototypes and mockups. This can be very helpful for UX/UI designers who need to communicate their designs to stakeholders or clients.

Figma smart animate layers between frames feature

3.3. User Interface Comparison 

  • Figma’s UI is very clean and organized, its toolbar is easy to access and use
  • Webflow’ UI can be a bit overwhelming at first, but is still easy to learn once you get the hang of it

For us, both Webflow and Figma both have clean and modern user interfaces that are user-friendly and easy to navigate.

For example, Figma's Component Library makes it easy to reuse components across different designs. This can save designers a lot of time and effort, especially when working on complex projects.

Figma UI Kit

3.4. Design Capabilities Comparison 

  • Figma offers a wide range of design tools, its collaboration features make it easy to work on designs with other people.
  • Webflow offers a good range of design tools, but it is not as comprehensive as Figma's design tools.

Figma has a slight edge in this area, especially when it comes to designing complex user interfaces.

For example, Figma's Auto Layout feature automatically adjusts the layout of your designs based on the content. This can

be very helpful for designing responsive websites and applications.

Figma auto layout

3.5. Customization Comparison 

  • Webflow offers a wide range of customization options, including custom fonts, colors, and layouts.
  • Figma also offers a high degree of customization, but it is not as granular as Webflow's customization options.

Webflow has a slight edge in this area, as it allows users to customize every aspect of their design, including the HTML and CSS.

For example, Webflow's Custom Code Editor allows users to write custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. This gives users complete control over the look and feel of their website.

Webflow Interface about page

3.6. Integrations Comparison 

  • Figma offers a wide range of integrations with other popular tools, such as Sketch, Adobe XD, and InVision.
  • Webflow also offers a wide range of integrations, but it does not offer as many integrations with popular design and development tools as Figma does.

Figma has a slight edge in this area, as it offers more integrations with popular design and development tools.

For example, Figma's integration with Sketch allows users to import and export Sketch files. This makes it easy for designers to transition from Sketch to Figma

3.7. SEO Comparison 

  • Webflow generates clean and SEO-friendly code.
  • Figma also generates clean and SEO-friendly code, but it does not offer as many SEO-specific features as Webflow does.

Webflow has a slight edge in this area, as it offers a number of specific features, such as custom meta titles and descriptions, and structured data markup.

For example, Webflow allows users to customize the SEO settings for each page on their website. This makes it easy to optimize their website for search engines.

3.8. Support Comparison 

Webflow and Figma both offer excellent customer support. Both platforms offer a variety of support resources, including knowledge bases, documentation, and live chat support.

For example, Webflow University offers a variety of courses and tutorials on how to use Webflow. This can be very helpful for new users who are getting started with the platform.

Screenshot of Webflow University

3.9. Pricing Comparison 

Both platforms offer free plans with limited features. 

Webflow's pricing is based on the number of websites you want to create and publish. Figma's pricing is based on the number of users and projects you need.

Webflow site plans pricing screenshot
Webflow Workspace plans screenshot

4.Can Figma be used with Webflow?

Can you both use Figma and Webflow? Absolutely, and it’s a match made in design heaven! They complement each other beautifully, allowing you to go from a concept sketch to a live, interactive website without losing your sanity.

However, like any combination of tools, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Aspect Pros Cons
Design Flexibility Figma’s robust design capabilities and Webflow's flexibility offer unmatched creative freedom It can be time-consuming as you have to work in two different environments
Collaboration Real-time collaboration in Figma allows for instant feedback and iteration, which integrates well into Webflow for development Requires switching contexts, which can be cumbersome
Consistency Ensures design consistency by using Figma’s components and design systems and replicating them in Webflow Can be challenging and require meticulous attention
Efficiency Streamlined handoff process minimizes miscommunication between designers and developers, speeding up project timelines Learning curves for both tools
Prototyping Easily prototype in Figma and translate those designs into functional websites on Webflow without losing design integrity May still require manual adjustments and tweaks
Pricing Using both tools can potentially save costs on hiring additional developers as Webflow bridges the gap between design and development Subscription fees can add up, especially for premium plans
Advanced Features Combining Figma’s prototyping with Webflow’s interactions leads to rich, engaging user experiences This may necessitate additional training

P.S. For those ready to take their designs from Figma and make them live, we suggest reading our article: Converting Figma to Webflow: How To Bring Your Design Ideas to Life?. This guide will walk you through the process of transforming your gorgeous Figma designs into fully functional sites using Webflow, making the leap from design to development as smooth as possible. 

5. Figma vs Webflow: What to choose for different users?

We've had the pleasure (and occasional frustration) of working with both tools extensively. So, let's break it down by user type and see which tool might be your best bet.

5.1. Small Business

If you're running a small business, Figma and Webflow each offer distinct advantages depending on your needs.

  • Figma is your go-to if you’re in the initial stages of brainstorming and wireframing. Its collaborative features are a godsend when you’re working with a small team or have a hands-on approach to design. Picture this: you and your co-founder tweaking design elements together in real-time, all while arguing about whether that button should be blue or green. 
  • Once you’ve nailed down your design in Figma, Webflow steps in to make it real. For small businesses, this means you can create a professional-looking website without hiring an army of developers. Just remember, great power comes with great responsibility. Or, in this case, a learning curve.

5.2. Big Business

For big businesses, the stakes are higher, and the demands are greater. Here’s how Figma and Webflow fit into the corporate puzzle.

  • Large corporations often have multiple teams working on different aspects of a project. Figma’s collaborative environment is ideal here. Plus, Figma’s design systems and components help maintain consistency across massive projects.
  • When it comes to turning those pixel-perfect designs into a live site, Webflow shines, especially for rapid prototyping and launch. However, for enterprise-level websites, you might still need a more robust CMS or custom development. For the heavy-duty stuff, integrating with other tools and platforms may be necessary, but Webflow provides a strong foundation.

5.3. Freelancers

Ah, the freelancers, our kindred spirits who juggle multiple clients, and deadlines, and probably drink way too much coffee. Here’s how Figma and Webflow stack up for you.

  • As a freelancer, Figma’s flexibility and cost-effectiveness can’t be overstated. You can whip up designs, share them with clients for feedback, and iterate quickly. And let’s be honest, clients love being able to point at things and say: “Can we make this pop more?”
  • Once you’ve wowed your client with your design prowess in Figma, Webflow becomes your secret weapon to deliver a fully functional site. It’s particularly useful for freelancers who want to offer end-to-end services. 

In conclusion, both Figma and Webflow have their places in the design and development ecosystem. For small businesses, start with Figma and graduate to Webflow. Big businesses should leverage Figma for collaboration and consider Webflow for specific projects. Freelancers, embrace both!

 6. Final Words

Today we learner that both Webflow and Figma are packed with features and capabilities, but they also have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Here's a quick rundown on the key benefits of each platform. 

What makes Webflow so great?

  • Allows users to create custom websites with advanced features and functionality
  • Generates clean and SEO-friendly code
  • Offers a wide range of customization options
  • Offers a variety of support resources, including knowledge bases, documentation, and live chat support

What makes Figma so great?

  • Offers a wide range of design features and collaboration tools
  • Is relatively easy to learn
  • Offers a variety of integrations with other popular tools and services
  • Has a shorter learning curve than Webflow

So, which one is right for you? Webflow or Figma?

If you need a powerful and versatile design tool, Figma is a great choice. It's perfect for UX/UI designers who need to create complex user interfaces or collaborate with other designers.

If you need to create a custom website with advanced features and functionality, Webflow is the way to go. It's a no-code web development platform that allows you to design and develop websites without having to write any code. You can also take a look at our list of Best Webflow agencies to get some inspiration from their work.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which platform is right for you is to try them both out and see which one you prefer. So go ahead and give Webflow and Figma a spin!


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Still have questions? Find answers here.

Can Figma be Used with Webflow?

When you use Figma and Webflow together, you can streamline your design and development process. You can create your designs in Figma and then export them directly to Webflow. This will save you a lot of time and effort, and help to ensure that your designs are implemented accurately in Webflow.

Why use Figma with Webflow?

The most important reason for using Figma with Webflow is that it can be directly integrated with Webflow, allowing you to easily export your designs to Webflow.

Is Figma enough for web design?

Figma is enough for web design. It is a comprehensive design tool that allows you to create high-quality designs for websites, apps, and other digital products. Figma provides a wide range of features, including: Vector design tools Text styles Component libraries Prototyping tools Collaboration features Integration with Webflow

Can I build my website with Figma?

You can build your website with Figma, but it is not a complete web development solution. Figma is a design tool, and it does not provide all of the features that you may need to build a fully functional website.

Can I design a logo with Figma?

Yes, you can design a logo with Figma. It provides a variety of features that make it well-suited for logo design.